Our Copenhagen Home

Islands Brygge, Copenhagen

Copenhagen is the city we call home. Nestled in the industrial area of Islands Brygge, a former printing factory makes up the home of Vipp. A scenic bikeride over the canal brings us to a rare backyard oasis encircled by a myriad of industrial building structures with historic charm.

Where we head our bikes

Snorresgade 22

Named after the passenger ferries from Iceland that reached dock here, the Copenhagen area of Islands Brygge holds a history of harbour industry. With a harbour clean enough to swim in it, open air swimming right in the centre of the city has become a magnet for Copenhageners.

Streets in the area are named after Icelandic cities and artists. Its street name deriving from the famous Nordic poet of the Viking age, Snorre Sturlason, Snorresgade number 22 has been home to Vipp since 2005.


Garage party

In the back of the courtyard housing Vipp Headquarters, a former auto garage from the 1950s has been transformed into a cultural catalyst for Vipp by architects Frank Maali and Gemma Lalanda. Here, we park our wildest dreams about design, architecture, food, art, and music.